Place Public Notices for Air Permits for Asphalt and Concrete plants

Any stationary source that produces pollution must receive government permits. here is some information about how to place Public Notices for Air permits, Asphalt and Concrete Plants Construction Companies. In 1977 Congress established the Clean Air Act Amendments EPA. This program requires that any stationary source that produces pollution must receive government permits before they can start construction. Air construction permits issued to a facility specify what conditions must be met. These specifications are intended to demonstrate compliance with state and federal air quality requirements.

When do Construction companies need to place Public Notices for Air permits?

Often construction companies must complete operations that involve land distributing activities. When this takes place in Coastal Zones, construction companies are then required to take additional steps. These steps must be completed before any labor can take place. In these cases, a Coastal Zone Consistency Certification may also be required. It must also be obtained prior to them being allowed to conduct those activities. 

Counties on the coast are considered coastal Zones. The areas that are considered the coastal zone are under the jurisdiction of the OCRM or the jurisdiction of S.C. DHEC’s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM).

Examples of counties that would need this certification include Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Horry or Jasper counties. 

What types of permits do construction companies need? 

There are several types of construction permits that the Bureau of Air Quality requires depending on the types of operations and emissions that the facility in question performs. 

When potential emissions are below permitting thresholds, Construction jobs may qualify for Minor Source permits. 

When you must submit a minor source construction permit, you may also need to submit the application Forms D-2566, D-2567, D-2569, D-2573, and all information required by the forms or the form instructions so that a construction permit application can be considered to be complete. In these cases No Legal or Public Notices are required.

Because the BAQ knows that time is money, they make sure and complete all applications within 90 days in order that there are no delays. It is crucial that all of these steps must be done on time and in full compliance. 

When Must I Place Public Notices for Air Permits?

Synthetic Minor Permits and Major Permits Legal notices of 30 days or more are required by Law For more information about filling Legal or Public Notices, please find this additional post here or Contact our team of specializing in helping you get the process started today. For Information on placing Public notices for Air permits in Newspapers or in USA Today see our sister site Russell Johns the official Publisher Representative for USA Today

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