Placing a legal notice ad in a eNewspaper doesn’t have to be a burdensome process. If you need to place a legal notice ad in a eNewspaper and you wonder why you have to go through all this tedious work for something that you are not sure if anyone will want to read. You will rest assured that public and legal notices running in enewspapers are actually a very old tradition that has to do with keeping the general public informed about what’s going on in your local community.

If you need to place a legal notice ad in the eNewspaper and you are not sure of what steps you need to take to do so it is important to make sure that you understand the goal of a legal notice ad is to get people to act and participate and not to get people to buy a product. Because of this, legal notice ads can be somewhat longer and therefore more expensive than a small 4 line classified ad. In many cases, it can be helpful to recruit an advertising agency that specializes in these types of advertisements to assist in the writing and placement of these types of ads for you.
Steps to Placing a Legal Notice in the eNewspaper
- Determine the area where your ad needs to run. This maybe your city, state, or in some cases, ads will run in nationwide papers.
- Contact the paper or an agency that specialized in placing legal notices.
- Write your ad (see additional information on what information to include below)
- Determine which days you will need your ad to run. This may be a certain number of days or weekends.
- Ask for a quote.
- Approve ad, or to reduce the length of your ad you may abbreviate whenever necessary.
- Submit or confirm ad placement to run (ask for proof so that you can see how the ad will appear in the newspaper.)
- Request tear sheets after the ad has run.
Why do we place legal notice ads in a eNewspaper?
“Public notices are one of the few regular and official communication channels that exist between levels of government and citizens. Public notice laws additionally regulate the way in which government communications with citizens.” ( )
There have actually been laws that dictate the necessity of placing legal notice ads in eNewspaper for quite some time. Laws have always stated the necessity of information about community and government changes be shared with the people in an easily accessible way. This helps to keep the general population informed about things that may impact them on a variety of levels. By placing legal notice ads in eNewspapers the community is able to find out any changes that are taking place that they may be interested in participating in as well as issues that may affect them on a local level.
How do I write a legal notice ad for a eNewspaper?
- You want to make sure that the information necessary is clearly stated include any dates, locations, or contact information.
- Let the public know how or if they can participate in any hearing, auctions or public meetings.
- Abbreviate whenever necessary. However, because legal notices are meant to benefit the general public do not abbreviate so much that the ad can be misunderstood.
- Request a proof of the ad to see how it will appear in a eNewspaper.
Writing a legal notice ad for a eNewspaper follows many of the same rules as any other type of ad. The one main difference between any type of public or legal notice versus a regular classified ad is that the standard “call to action” that most ads use to encourage a reader to buy a service or product is not the same as a call to action for a legal or public notice. In these types of ads, the goal is to inform or to get a person to act. In some cases, the action may be for a person to attending a hearing or to merely be aware of a change in their community. Often this information can mean that public or legal notices can be somewhat longer than a standard 4 line sales ad.
If you need to place a legal notice ad in a eNewspaper and you are still not sure of what steps you need to take to do so it is important to make sure that you understand the goal of a legal notice ad is to get people to act and participate and not to get people to buy a product. Because of this, legal notice ads can be somewhat longer and therefore more expensive than a small 4 line classified ad. In many cases, it can be helpful to recruit an advertising agency that specializes in these types of advertisements to assist in the writing and placement of these types of ads for you.
For more information about placing public and legal notices or writing a legal notice ad.