What is Run of Paper advertising?
Run of paper advertising ( ROP) is a type of advertising placement may be placed in any position or page in a newspaper and is placed at the discretion of the of the publication.
Many advertisers do not need their ads to be run on a specific page. Instead, they choose to place Run of Paper advertising (ROP) or Run of Book ( Run of Book ) placement. This type of placement can be run anywhere in the publication and is frequently chosen by advertisers.

Most advertisers do not need their advertisement to be placed on any one specific page and it would be effective anywhere within a publication. Because of this, it is called run of paper or ROP.
Run of paper print ads are typically less expensive than many other types of advertising around today, and most often, when you place in print ads your ad will simultaneously also be placed in the digital or online version as well. Run-of-paper ads can also be placed to target a specific demographic, and often advertisers can buy them for less than other types of placements, like front or back cover.
Most advertisers don’t realize that some national publications like USA Today, which is in the Gannett Network have regional opportunities, which provide international reach also! Advertisers can effectively cover a specific geographic region this way.
My Classified Ads provides all types of print advertising services, including Run of Paper and Run of Book both online classifieds and display ads and offline. We take pride in our 40 years of relationships with publications across the country. Let us help you create a campaign that is scalable to meet your growing needs. Let us help you create a campaign that is scalable to meet your growing needs. Contact us !